Thursday, June 20, 2013

Roadblocks on the way to nowhere.

 Driving down the road you are bound to see many things. On a normal day there could be a man speeding in his oversized F4million with a bad case of the road rage, if you are near the hospital you might see something such as an ambulance screaming bloody murder as it flies down the track or a helicopter buzzing away towards another potentially fatal motorcycle accident in the next town. But nothing compares to the monstrosity and ill necessity of a road block. No matter where you might have been going, no matter how important it may have seemed to you, the instant you are presented with the reality of having to wait in this audacious line and incessant traffic you feel as if the whole world is falling in around you and everyone is out to get you.

It turns from having to get milk at the store for cereal to HOLY MAMA MY CHILDREN WILL STARVE....and theres nothing you can do to save them or speed up the process. So what happens? wait. and as the line gets shorter your frustration is mounting, "there is no way this should be taking 900 years" you say in an effort to calm yourself with sarcasm (that never works by the way).
But finally, your despair sees its last as you crest the front of the line and you can carry on to....what did I need to do again?

Somewhere along the road of frustration and grief, the point is lost on you of your true purpose. What can this say about all of your previous ranting and steaming as your whole day has been ruined over this "minor" grievance?

In Romans 8, Paul says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." When you see it this way, all frustration seems to crumble right? Well no, not really. But thats okay because he goes on to say, "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."

So we get frustrated. We're human and that is natural because we are but flesh that is decaying every day. This is our present suffering-- life, and it can be unbearable at times. I know sometimes I want to slam my head into that wheel and honk my frustrations away at all the cars facing all the same problems  as me. God knows about road blocks, He knows our sufferings and transgressions and He is our means of getting through it all. Without the bad times, there would be no good and the glory revealed to us will be so sweet one day!

Anyways, this has gotten way too long so Im gonna stop.

Peace out.

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