Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego.

 I can tell you for certain she is not in San Diego. Wouldn't that be a little too obvious? But then again, the show has since been canned making me think the writing was sub-par. Who knows, I bet was she was in the city meaning "Whale V@$^*@" the whole time.

Hindsight, I wish I hadn't made that possibly dirty Anchorman reference just because that's not what I'm about bro....What am I about you ask? Great, unplanned question stranger I haven't met! (drops 20 discreetly into hand during casual shake)

At the risk of making this sound like a dating profile I am all about God (oh he's one of those..) If by just a dude that likes to love on others and share Christ's love to others then darn tootin I'm one of those.  I super love everything music oriented. I am in multiple choirs at Auburn currently and play drums for a worship band weekly. But what really tickles my fancy is making others smile. I would like to think I am funny person and bringing laughter and smiles to people is what I cherish most.

Maybe Ill wrap up this first blog post but I will leave everyone with 2 things:

1. go check out the blog I tried to start in High School, it fell through rather quickly but dang I was one weird kid.

2. A little verse for the day. "Yet when I surveyed all I had done and what I had toiled to achieve, Everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Nothing was gained under the sun." Eccl 2:11 This verse has meant a lot to me because it humbles everything I think that is important and helps me to refocus on what God has planned for me.

Everyone stay beautiful and I hope we see each other soon. You stay classy world.

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