Tired. A hard day has befallen you and theres no bodybuilder in the world that could hold the enormous weights that are your eyelids. You know your at home and at one point you were sitting on the couch watching TV, but suddenly you open your eyes again and magic exists in our world! You are under the covers of your bed and there are thick rays of sunlight pouring into your window.
What does this mean?! Can I teleport, but only through an unconscious cognitive state? Are there others like me? I wonder if there's a school for gifted creatures such as myself to hone this ability.
Of course we all know this isn't true. People don't teleport (at least as far as I know). So at what point did I miss something....
Deep into the night, around 930, the hero strolls in unbeknownst to the world--Mom. She notices her child has been punched in the face by fatigue and has taken to hard slumber in his recourse. She goes in to swoop me up into her tender arms then oh so carefully takes me to the city of forgotten cares. The journey is arduous, requiring more than a minimal amount of physical and emotion energy but she pushes through with the sheer determination unseen by the still comatose child. Making her trip swiftly and effectively, she lays me down onto the cloud of relief and joy that is my bed and gently tucks me in. To end it all she whispers a quick prayer and leaves with a gentle kiss to my forehead.
A mother will go to enormous lengths to show her child love, even when he can't see it. In the same way, our Father shows us His love in everything we see and do, even when we don't realize he has a hand in it. Quite simply, "God is love," as it says in 1 John 4:8. Imagine how much our mother loves us (yes, it is A LOT) now imagine if she had to sacrifice as much as God did to show His love for us. "but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us," Romans 5:8. He sacrificed His ONLY son to prove his love to us, we surely don't deserve that--not then and not now. We sin every day, we lead dirty lives full of lies, deceit, regret, pain and suffering but when its all said and done, God will always take us back to our room and tuck us in with a kiss to the forehead. "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work," 2 Corinthians 9:8. We have everything we need in Christ, He is bigger than any problem we could face. That's awesome and we should take refuge in this! I'll leave you with this verse on Gods awesome power. Until next time, you stay classy world.
Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Baby poops and the chlorinated monster frizz
-Whats that in the water!?!?!!
-Oh crap, Johnny you dropped your snickers in the water (says no one ever) Don't you just wish there was a happy medium with pool cleanliness. You have the 24/7 lifegaurd surveillance systems complete with free wifi, chocolate, massage therapists and wifi. The water will actually cleanse your body of all its toxins and realign your electrochemical balance causing your life expectancy. Harvested unicorn tears pump out of the jets and I swear I once saw an obese gentleman cannonball into the pool, came out with a six-pack (not referencing alcohol here). The price to get in is 9 billion Euros and only twelve people are allowed to swim in it per year...Then you have the community pool.
Full of the odd assortment of molded, once loved floaties this cess pool of cancer water slowly eats away at your kidneys. Where's the lifegaurd you ask? We're pretty sure thats him on the bottom of the deep end. Covered in roughly 12 children under the age of 7 per square foot you are sure to have a relaxing swim. The jets pump out the remainder of the oil from the BP gulf spill (tax dollars at work!). And yes, you may even witness your fair share of "snickers" bars....All in all, the community pool is hoppin, the frogs love it!
That happy medium does exist my friends, its the magical and dying breed of the private pool. Owned by the upper income family, this pool has everything you could ever need--water and no feces. The lifegaurd is a highly qualified window into the kitchen where a loving (and not sunburned) mother sits sipping on an ice cold sweet tea. I propose a new amendment to the already clustered Constitution: lets scrub our country of the community pool plague. We don't need more reason to take showers (once a week is enough people!).
To close this absurd post, I'll give you this nugget of American History* "It's time for the way we perceive this threat to change, we have to stop lollygagging and taking the lackadaisical road more travelled. We need to read more of The best time to wear a striped sweater and take those zombies out. Our literacy rate is at risk and we need more jobs for females in the work force, Am I right Miss South Carolina?...wheres my map" -Abraham Lincoln, 1941.
Peace out Boy Scouts.
-Oh crap, Johnny you dropped your snickers in the water (says no one ever) Don't you just wish there was a happy medium with pool cleanliness. You have the 24/7 lifegaurd surveillance systems complete with free wifi, chocolate, massage therapists and wifi. The water will actually cleanse your body of all its toxins and realign your electrochemical balance causing your life expectancy. Harvested unicorn tears pump out of the jets and I swear I once saw an obese gentleman cannonball into the pool, came out with a six-pack (not referencing alcohol here). The price to get in is 9 billion Euros and only twelve people are allowed to swim in it per year...Then you have the community pool.
Full of the odd assortment of molded, once loved floaties this cess pool of cancer water slowly eats away at your kidneys. Where's the lifegaurd you ask? We're pretty sure thats him on the bottom of the deep end. Covered in roughly 12 children under the age of 7 per square foot you are sure to have a relaxing swim. The jets pump out the remainder of the oil from the BP gulf spill (tax dollars at work!). And yes, you may even witness your fair share of "snickers" bars....All in all, the community pool is hoppin, the frogs love it!
That happy medium does exist my friends, its the magical and dying breed of the private pool. Owned by the upper income family, this pool has everything you could ever need--water and no feces. The lifegaurd is a highly qualified window into the kitchen where a loving (and not sunburned) mother sits sipping on an ice cold sweet tea. I propose a new amendment to the already clustered Constitution: lets scrub our country of the community pool plague. We don't need more reason to take showers (once a week is enough people!).
To close this absurd post, I'll give you this nugget of American History* "It's time for the way we perceive this threat to change, we have to stop lollygagging and taking the lackadaisical road more travelled. We need to read more of The best time to wear a striped sweater and take those zombies out. Our literacy rate is at risk and we need more jobs for females in the work force, Am I right Miss South Carolina?...wheres my map" -Abraham Lincoln, 1941.
Peace out Boy Scouts.
perfectly imperfect
Imagine this (Actually just look at the picture I am going to insert sometime before I hit the post button). Your favorite bread, let's say pumpernickle because #yolo. Between the slices of goodness there is lettuce you have grown yourself in the backyard, a tomato from the upside down tomato plant out in the foyer (it just gets good sunlight in there ya know?), and fresh bacon from the pig farmer right down the road (where do you live anyways to have a pig farm...). This all sounds like it could be the perfect sandwich. The culmination of the best ingredients, your favorite things and the pure satisfaction of having done all this work yourself to achieve a slice of BLT heaven....
But you take a bite and realize something. The tomato just isn't as juicy as it looked when you hand plucked that joker. Upon further inspection you realize the lettuce has several brown spots and deadness covering its once beautiful flesh (how you failed to notice that one escapes me). To cap off your fastly plummeting sandwich, Jim the boar farmer has been found out by the game warden for using faulty and unsanitary equipment in the slaughter of his meat. Two bites ago you thought you were literally in hog heaven now before you know it you got one hand on the garbage lid, two slices of perfectly good pumpernickel wasted and heap ton of backdraft that has now stained your 3rd favorite shirt. How did this even happen, that sandwich was stinkin perfect.
But that's the thing about this world, and especially sandwiches...they aren't perfect and the things of this world are fading. Shoot we as humans aren't even perfect as much we like to think we are (ever noticed that blind spot in your eyes...no? yeah its because our impefect bodies have adapted to the imperfect surroundings of the imperfect world (duh)). But where we and the world are imperfect, we are also incomplete in God's creation. We serve a higher purpose and calling. We must strive to live our lives closer to how Christ lived. Psalm 18:30 "As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him."
We are temporary and failing but God is good and perfect (waay better than that sandwich). The sandwich seemed good at first, but you take another look and its fragmented to the point of inedibility. The same is true for us, we seem good on the outside but from the inside we are dirty and sinful not deserving of what God has given us--His own son. "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
I think these guys got it right in Isaiah when they said, "And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory." Next time you bite into a sandwich, just remember how awesome God is.
Anyways, good sandwiches and good times for all. Until next time, you stay classy.
But you take a bite and realize something. The tomato just isn't as juicy as it looked when you hand plucked that joker. Upon further inspection you realize the lettuce has several brown spots and deadness covering its once beautiful flesh (how you failed to notice that one escapes me). To cap off your fastly plummeting sandwich, Jim the boar farmer has been found out by the game warden for using faulty and unsanitary equipment in the slaughter of his meat. Two bites ago you thought you were literally in hog heaven now before you know it you got one hand on the garbage lid, two slices of perfectly good pumpernickel wasted and heap ton of backdraft that has now stained your 3rd favorite shirt. How did this even happen, that sandwich was stinkin perfect.
But that's the thing about this world, and especially sandwiches...they aren't perfect and the things of this world are fading. Shoot we as humans aren't even perfect as much we like to think we are (ever noticed that blind spot in your eyes...no? yeah its because our impefect bodies have adapted to the imperfect surroundings of the imperfect world (duh)). But where we and the world are imperfect, we are also incomplete in God's creation. We serve a higher purpose and calling. We must strive to live our lives closer to how Christ lived. Psalm 18:30 "As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him."
We are temporary and failing but God is good and perfect (waay better than that sandwich). The sandwich seemed good at first, but you take another look and its fragmented to the point of inedibility. The same is true for us, we seem good on the outside but from the inside we are dirty and sinful not deserving of what God has given us--His own son. "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
I think these guys got it right in Isaiah when they said, "And they were calling to one another: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory." Next time you bite into a sandwich, just remember how awesome God is.
Anyways, good sandwiches and good times for all. Until next time, you stay classy.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Roadblocks on the way to nowhere.

It turns from having to get milk at the store for cereal to HOLY MAMA MY CHILDREN WILL STARVE....and theres nothing you can do to save them or speed up the process. So what happens?
...you wait. and as the line gets shorter your frustration is mounting, "there is no way this should be taking 900 years" you say in an effort to calm yourself with sarcasm (that never works by the way).
But finally, your despair sees its last as you crest the front of the line and you can carry on to....what did I need to do again?
Somewhere along the road of frustration and grief, the point is lost on you of your true purpose. What can this say about all of your previous ranting and steaming as your whole day has been ruined over this "minor" grievance?
In Romans 8, Paul says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." When you see it this way, all frustration seems to crumble right? Well no, not really. But thats okay because he goes on to say, "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."
So we get frustrated. We're human and that is natural because we are but flesh that is decaying every day. This is our present suffering-- life, and it can be unbearable at times. I know sometimes I want to slam my head into that wheel and honk my frustrations away at all the cars facing all the same problems as me. God knows about road blocks, He knows our sufferings and transgressions and He is our means of getting through it all. Without the bad times, there would be no good and the glory revealed to us will be so sweet one day!
Anyways, this has gotten way too long so Im gonna stop.
Peace out.
road blocks,
Romans 8
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego.
I can tell you for certain she is not in San Diego. Wouldn't that be a little too obvious? But then again, the show has since been canned making me think the writing was sub-par. Who knows, I bet was she was in the city meaning "Whale V@$^*@" the whole time.
Hindsight, I wish I hadn't made that possibly dirty Anchorman reference just because that's not what I'm about bro....What am I about you ask? Great, unplanned question stranger I haven't met! (drops 20 discreetly into hand during casual shake)
At the risk of making this sound like a dating profile I am all about God (oh he's one of those..) If by just a dude that likes to love on others and share Christ's love to others then darn tootin I'm one of those. I super love everything music oriented. I am in multiple choirs at Auburn currently and play drums for a worship band weekly. But what really tickles my fancy is making others smile. I would like to think I am funny person and bringing laughter and smiles to people is what I cherish most.
Maybe Ill wrap up this first blog post but I will leave everyone with 2 things:
1. go check out the blog I tried to start in High School, it fell through rather quickly but dang I was one weird kid.
2. A little verse for the day. "Yet when I surveyed all I had done and what I had toiled to achieve, Everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Nothing was gained under the sun." Eccl 2:11 This verse has meant a lot to me because it humbles everything I think that is important and helps me to refocus on what God has planned for me.
Everyone stay beautiful and I hope we see each other soon. You stay classy world.
Hindsight, I wish I hadn't made that possibly dirty Anchorman reference just because that's not what I'm about bro....What am I about you ask? Great, unplanned question stranger I haven't met! (drops 20 discreetly into hand during casual shake)
At the risk of making this sound like a dating profile I am all about God (oh he's one of those..) If by just a dude that likes to love on others and share Christ's love to others then darn tootin I'm one of those. I super love everything music oriented. I am in multiple choirs at Auburn currently and play drums for a worship band weekly. But what really tickles my fancy is making others smile. I would like to think I am funny person and bringing laughter and smiles to people is what I cherish most.
Maybe Ill wrap up this first blog post but I will leave everyone with 2 things:
1. go check out the blog I tried to start in High School, it fell through rather quickly but dang I was one weird kid.
2. A little verse for the day. "Yet when I surveyed all I had done and what I had toiled to achieve, Everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Nothing was gained under the sun." Eccl 2:11 This verse has meant a lot to me because it humbles everything I think that is important and helps me to refocus on what God has planned for me.
Everyone stay beautiful and I hope we see each other soon. You stay classy world.
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